The Infinity IT-8500 and IT-8200 is no longer available. Please check out the new Infinity IT-8500 Plus Massage Chair.

Infinity Massage Chairs, which is known for their diverse therapy techniques (Zero Gravity, Inversion, Stretch), has recently released their Infinity IT-8500 Massage Chair. This is a new addition to the 8000 series and is an upgraded version of the Infinity Infinity IT-8200. Many customers are already asking what the differences are between each chair. Check out our Infinity It-8200 Massage Chair Review to get a better understanding of the features. Here is a brief list of all differences as we take a closer look of the Infinity IT-8500 vs Infinity IT-8200.
Infinity IT-8500 vs Infinity IT-8200: Differences
The Infinity It-8500 massage chair is built on the same design and features of the Infinity IT-8200. Essentially the IT-8500 has all the functions as the IT-8200. Here is what sets it apart.
Tru-GripV Stretch
Infinity has updated the stretching techniques to better incorporate more stretching. It uses a combination of airbags, the ottoman, and the roller to stretch the hips, back, and shoulders. The stretching techniques are coveted for helping relieve the hips, front of the legs, and chest.
Spinal Correction
Infinity has developed a spinal correction function. The massage chair uses its back roller, hip airbags, shoulder airbags, to help twist and stretch the back.
Inter-Sound Technology
The Infinity IT-8500 also comes with an updated sound system. You can plug your headphones in and enjoy your massage without disrupting others. This also enhances the massage by letting someone immerse themselves in soothing sounds.
Infinity has also included a new accu-roller function. The sensors in the body scan are better able to recognize the upper parts of the back and shoulders.
We have been impressed with Infinity Massage Chairs and are excited to hear others feedback on their experiences. If anyone has questions on the Infinity It-8200 or Infinity It-8500 Massage Chair please give us a call at 888.360.9996.